A DML - Distributed Mode Loudspeaker - is a panel-type speaker which produces sound via vibrational modes, propagating across the whole panel surface. DML speakers are actuated by very sophisticated audio exciters – a type of transducers specifically designed to excite the entire panel surface.
It uses micro-vibrations to generate digital sound, allowing the ultra-thin construction of visible Hidden Sound speakers with unprecedented elegance and lightness. Or even the installation of invisible, completely over-paintable versions of the DML speakers into any drywall or dry ceiling construction.
In 1991 UK’s DERA (Defence Evaluation & Research Agency) discovers DML technology for military usage of sound, but only later UK hi-fi companies try to develop it for commercial usage, and fail to launch a successful consumer product.
DML arguably marks the biggest revolution in the 100 years history of loudspeakers.
A DML - Distributed Mode Loudspeaker - is a panel-type speaker which produces sound via vibrational modes propagating across the panel surface.